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                The mission of Manhattanville College is “to educate students to become ethically and socially responsible leaders for the global community.” In my experience, this mission is emphasized throughout all aspects of the college community. I am active in various on-campus features, including athletic teams, academic societies, and part-time work. All of these groups share the common identity of this college. These themes are also vital to many aspects of life outside of this college campus.

                Based on my experiences and views, I have been able to formulate my own opinion on what this mission means. To be socially and ethically responsible is to ensure that you repay your community for what it has offered you. It is to consider the effect that you have on your peers and to act for the greater good. I also feel that this statement alludes to respecting and understanding the views that are represented by others, even if they differ from your own. Furthermore, it encourages people to identify the difference between right and wrong.

                The courses that I have taken at Manhattanville have helped me develop these responsibilities in various ways. Within the biology department students are held to high standards; we must sign an honor code and adhere to it. This teaches us that we must work hard individually to achieve our goals – we cannot get anywhere by using unethical tactics. My classes have also involved group projects that require students to hold each other accountable. Even just coming to class prepared and participating keenly is social responsibility in action. Outside of the classroom, I have been part of several teams. These squads have taught me the art of communication, leadership, and dedication in order to succeed not just for yourself, but for the person next to you. Working hard for your teammates is stressed greatly within the Manhattanville athletic department. In correlation with the teams and groups that I am part of on-campus I have participated in various community service events. These events range from the Breast Cancer Walk to the Tunnel to Towers Run. No matter the title, all have taught me the sense of pride and satisfaction that comes with knowing that I benefited a cause and my community.

                The global community encompasses the well-being and sustentation of all individuals. Whether in areas such as environmental care or healthcare, the practices learned within the Manhattanville community can be applied to the macro level.  In the future I wish to become a doctor, and so the concept of being ethically and socially responsible will be essential. I must hold the interests of my patients above everything else. On a less professional basis, maintaining my accountability to others will be necessary for preserving important relationships throughout my life. A healthy bond can only be formed when all parties are willing to commit equally and give equal amounts of attention to the relationship. Through holding myself socially responsible to those in my life, I will hope to continue the mission that is being instilled in me by Manhattanville.

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