DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

In 500 words or more, please examine the importance of the liberal arts to your education.  Please use the following questions to shape your answer: 


  • Why did you choose your particular major(s)?
  • Why is this major of interest to you?
  • Why did you choose your minor(s)? Explain your choice of these areas of study.
  • Discuss one or two courses outside of your major that have inspired or impacted you. Consider how these courses intersected with or connected to your major and minor.
  • How did these courses change your understanding of yourself and your place in the broader community? 
  • In addition to these courses, are there experiences outside of the classroom that have inspired or impacted you?
  • How do these courses and experiences affect your plans for the remainder of your time here at Manhattanville and beyond (e.g., changing major/minor, course selection, research opportunities, career choice, internships, community service, study abroad, extra-curricular activities)?


In your essay, we expect a well-organized, thoughtful response demonstrating your ability to articulate your ideas clearly and concisely.  It is expected that you work closely with your advisor examining these questions, thinking through your answers and drafting your response.  Please see the Manhattanville Portfolio System website for a rubric describing the expectations for this essay.


Your advisor will need to formally approve your essay in the Comments section on this page.  Be sure to "Approve" these comments so the Board on Academic Standards can see them!

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.