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Making Change Lesson.doc             




Candidate:  Monika Vargova                                    Date: February 7, 2013


Title of the Lesson: Making Change from a Dollar




Prior Instruction/Student Background Knowledge:

  • Students need to be able to recognize relative value of penny, nickel, dime,      quarter, and dollar
  • Students need to be able to count coins
  • Students need to know how to write amounts of money using dollar or cent signs


Student Characteristics:

  • This lesson is intended for twenty two students (10 girls and 12 boys) in a 2nd grade classroom from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The      English language is used throughout the day; however, many of the students are bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish languages and for majority of the students, Spanish is their first language. About ten students in this classroom are English Language Learners. There is also a big range of student reading abilities; 5 students read above grade level, 5 students      read at grade level, and half of the students (12) read below grade level.  All of the students that read below grade level receive additional in-class support. This classroom is also an inclusive classroom having several students with disabilities. There are two students in this classroom that have IEPs, both for learning disabilities. In addition to in-class services, these students receive out of class services five days a week.  



Other Factors:

  • Students will be working as a whole group as well as in pairs. I assigned the partners according to students’ abilities. I wanted to make sure that students who need some help with counting money and making change would have another student who could help them.



Teaching Point/Goal:

  • Students will learn about making change from a dollar and will practice making change using technology and experimenting with real money throug an activity.




Students will:

  • use Smart board to learn and practice making change
  • work independently, making change from $1.00 and recording answers onto their worksheets
  • use real money to practice making change
  • work cooperatively in small groups



NYS Learning Standards Addressed:



Students will apply and adopt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems.

2.PS.5      Use informal counting strategies to find solutions

2.PS.6      Experience teacher-directed questioning process to understand problems

2.PS.7      Compare and discuss ideas for solving a problem with teacher and/or     students to justify their thinking

2.PS.8      Use manipulatives (e.g., tiles, blocks) to model the action in problems


Students will organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication.

2.CM.1    Understand how to organize their thoughts

2.CM.2    Verbally support their reasoning and answer


Students will use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.

2.CM.6     Use appropriate mathematical terms, vocabulary, and language


Students will use units to give meaning to measurements.

2.M.6       Know and recognize coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter) and bills ($1, $2, #5, $10, and $20)

2.M.7       Recognize the whole dollar notation as $1, etc.

2.M.8       Identify equivalent combinations to make one dollar


Mathematics, Science, and Technology

Standard 1:    Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.

Standard 2:    Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies.


English Language Arts

Standard 1:    Language for Information and Understanding

Students will listen, speak, read, and write for information and understanding. As listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information.


Important Principles and Concepts for the Content Area:

  • Children encounter money and economic lessons in their everyday lives. Our duty, as teachers, it to teach students a basic understanding how money works. In this lesson, students will practice money concepts such as identifying coin values and coin combinations and will learn making change. Students will practice these concepts through hands-on exploration, activities, and the use of real props (money). Students will also have opportunities to use technology, Smart board, to interact and learn a new concept of making change from      $1.00.




Warm Up

Connect previous teaching, capture   students’ attention and interest or activate prior knowledge

We have been   learning about money for the past two weeks –we learned the value of coins   and counting coins. And we are going to learn more about working with money.


How many of   you go shopping with your families? Food shopping, toy shopping, clothes   shopping….. And did it ever happen to you when you or an adult you are with pay   at the cash register for the items you buy, you hand them money and then you also   get some money back?




Teach   ONE thing. Choose the way to teach. Try and DEMONSTRATE as much as you can

Today, we are   going to learn about making change.


Making   change is   counting up from the amount of money you owe to the amount of money you   paid.


For   example: I bought this toy for 63₵ and I will pay with a dollar. Now, I am   going to start counting from 63 (because that is how much the toy costs) till   I get to $1.00. …………….. My change is 37₵.


Quickly   engage students by asking them to turn and talk to a partner, envision how it   might go or try something quickly


Now, let’s try   it together.

Pretend you   buy popcorn for 72c, what is your change?

(students   will come to the SMART board to solve problems)




Restate   teaching point and connect it to ongoing student work in one or two sentences

Did you all   see how JJ got it? He counted up from the amount he owed to the amount of   money he paid, which was one dollar.

Collaborative/Independent   Practice:




I can see that   you are doing well, so let’s try practice on your own. You will be working   with a partner, and each pair will get a bag with pictures of five items with   a price tag. Every time you buy,  you   are using one dollar to pay for it. Your task is to find out how much is the   change.

Use your   worksheet to record your answers


Students work in   pairs, trying to figure out the change for each item.

As they count,   I will walk around, observe students, and provide assistance where needed.


After students   had time to make change for 5 items, we will go over the answers with the whole   class.



Did you like   practicing making change? How many of you think it was easy? How many of you   think it was hard? And what was hard for you?


You have   worked really hard making change and I have one last thing before we go to   our water/bathroom break…..


Give out Exit   ticket.



Materials Needed:

  • Smart board (Power point presentation “Change from Dollar” by J. Hamilton. Accessed form SmartExchange.com)
  • Making Change from a Dollar- Practice Worksheet (Appendix A)
  • Making Change from a Dollar Worksheet (Appendix B)
  • Pencils
  • 10 plastic bags with pictures of five items with a price tag and a variety of coins with the value of one dollar in each bag




  • For students who need additional help counting coins as well as for hands-on learners, the variety of coins with the value of $1.00 will be included in each bag.
  • Pictures of the items will be in both, the bags and on the worksheets, for students who need more visual representation.
  • Students will be paired to ensure that those students who need help with counting will have other students who will help them


Links to Literacy (Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening):

  • Students will have to read instructions, both on Smart board and their worksheets
  • Students will have to use complete sentences giving out their answers
  • Students will have opportunities to explain their answers using math vocabulary
  • Students will write their answers on their worksheets using correct signs and numerals
  • Students will listen to the teacher as well as to their classmates 




Informal Assessment:

  • I will walk around the classroom and observe students while counting the      change and will assist where needed.

Formal Assessment:

  • At the end of the lesson, I will collect students’ worksheets to check for      accuracy and to determine which students need more practice with making      change.
  • I will also collect Exit Tickets and will check for understanding and      comprehension






                                                   Appendix A

Name _____________________


                                   Making Change Practice Worksheet


Price of the item

(   )

Show coins

(count up from the amount of the item to the amount you pay  $1.00)

How much change will you receive?



























                                                     Appendix B


Name___________________          Date____________                                        


                                       How Much Change?


Write how much change received after buying the item and

paying with $1.00.




Show coins

How much change





















































































                                                     Appendix C


                                                      Exit Ticket


Teacher: __________________       Student:  Ms. V



If you buy _________________that cost(s) $___________ and you pay


_$__________ , how much change will you get back? 



                         Answer __$____________





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