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Professional Development: A Reflective Narrative


In reflection regarding professional development, I believe it vital to help develop and champion professional development. Through these pathways, educators learn from each other, share with each other and provide new insights, strategies, and ideologies with each other. To me, this is a crucial aspect of educational growth and forward movement. As, I move forward in the area of professional development, it is my primary goal to stay an active member of the field in both physical education and health education. It is my belief that active participation becomes the potential for successful action, forward movement and further action to help advance the field. Advancing the field is pivotal to stimulate and develop learning, growth and evolution of both physical education and health education. 


As for my professional development to the profession, I serve in leadership roles (and soon executive leadership in November) for New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance in the health domain. Through these leadership experiences, I have vocalized my beliefs, knowledge, supported and best teaching practices in the field of both physical education and health education. While serving on these committees, beneficial professional development opportunities arise which help strengthen, change and pave the future directions for both physical education and health. I am honored to be a part of this group.

In addition, I am a participating member of numerous professional organizations for physical education, health and figure skating. Being a contributing member of these organizations, allows me to assist in advancements, advocacy and best interests for physical activity, physical education, fitness, wellness, health and figure skating. Again, I am privileged to be part of this category. I enjoy these memberships and advocate for their professional development in their respective fields.






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