DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.



If you received a GD (Grade Deferred) on your Portfolio evaluation, this means that there were portions of your Portfolio that require revision and resubmission.  A letter from Academic Advising notifying you about the sections of the Portfolio that require revision has been sent to you, however, if you have questions about what portions of your Portfolio require revision or how to revise them, please see someone in the Office of Academic Advising.


You should work with your Advisor to revise the necessary forms or essays.  Following your revision, you will need to gain the appropriate approvals on your revision prior to resubmission.


As a reminder:


  • General Study Plan needs to be approved by: Advisor and Major Department Chairperson
  • Major/Minor Checklist needs to be approved by: Major Department Chairperson
  • All three essays need to be approved by: Advisor

After your Portfolio has been revised and approved by the appropriate individuals, you are now ready to resubmit your Portfolio.  This process is very similar to the original submission process.


Within your Manhattanville Portfolio, click on “Portfolio Tools” and click on “Submit.”

  • You will need to choose the “Course” to which you are submitting your ePortfolio. Choose “Fall 2013 Senior Portfolio Submission” and then click “Next Step.”
  • You will need to choose the “Assignment” within the course to which you are submitting your ePortfolio. Choose “Senior Portfolio Resubmission” and then click “Next Step.”
  • You will need to choose the “Step” within the assignment to which you are submitting your ePortfolio. Choose “Senior Portfolio Resubmission” and then click “Next Step.”
  • You will need to choose the pages within your ePortfolio that you want to submit.  Click on the top box which selects ALL PAGES within your ePortfolio, and then click on “Save and submit.”



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.