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Create ePortfolio from Course Template


1. On your home page, select the course you wish to work in under My Courses.


2. After selecting the course, click on the e-Portfolios tab.


3. After clicking on the tab, click the Create e-Portfolio from Template button next to the template eportfolio you wish to create your own ePortfolio from.  

 Choose your permissions. (Custom permissions allow you to add specific editors & viewers)


4. Unless instructed otherwise, select the following options.  You may change them at any time by visiting, Settings.


  • Permissions - Private to me
  • Tagging - Do not allow tags
  • Comments - Registered users
  • Show comments - Do not show comments until they have been approved
  • Conversations - Unchecked

5. Click, Save.




DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Alternate Method


1. Click on the Create option at the top right corner of the My e-Portfolios tab.


2. Title your e-Portfolio.


3. In the Choose a Template category, select More Templates at the bottom right corner.  


4. Select the My Courses tab and then Current Courses.


5. Find the correct course and select the corresponding template that appears.


6. Select Private to me in the Permissions section. 


7. Select Do not allow tags in the Tagging section. 


8. Finally, click on Create New e-Portfolio. 

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.